Friday, March 14, 2008

When one pedel falls, another grows

Well my Grandpa passed away on March 13, 2008. And it was really hard, but at the same time I'm totally ok because I know that he is in a good place and also with my Grandma. It's been 9 years since she passed away. So I know that it was a really good reunion. And well when I went to see him on Tuesday and talk to him, he couldn't talk but he was concious. And I told him things that I wanted him to tell those in the family that had passed away too things and then things for him to remember. And well I just had felt like maybe he didn't get my message. So I woke up this morning feeling so good. I had had a dream about him and he said all the things I had asked him to do for me back to me and reassured me that he will always watch over me. And it was such a great feeling. I know where he is and I know he is happy. And that he will always be helping me and my kids. It's hard to know that I only have one set of Grandparents left. But I know that this isn't the end this is only the beginning, well actually, this is the middle, and the rest is yet to come. And I will see him again. What an amazing feeling that is, if only everyone could feel that way and know for sure like I do. I love you Grandpa Jackson Kilgore! Always and Forever! Your Granddaughter Lindsey

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Wow, that is an amazing dream you had! What a blessing to have had that dream and be reassured that the message got through.