Saturday, November 22, 2008

The "Twilight" experience!!

Twilight ....

Ok so I saw the movie tonight. I'll be honest I wasn't way excited or thrilled or really cared who played what part. I also kind of cheated and read a bunch of reviews. So I went into the movie, sorry for all of you fans, but I just don't get into movies and books to much that I have to clap and were shirts that support it, I just laught and look around at all the funny monkeys! PS to all my friends who do this I still love you all the same, this just doesn't "float my boat"

But I have never read the books. I haven't really talked about it with people, all they tell me is, "YOU'VE GOT TO READ THEM" ya ya ya. maybe one day I will but truth must be told, it just doesn't sound like fun to me ... even after seeing the movie.

So since I was problably the ONLY person in that whole audience that had no expections or visions in my head of things, or how something should be or what they should have put in or foucsed more on or not done this or that. I was suprisingly pleased with the movie. It held my addention, the scared me in parts, I "felt the love" and I just thought "Wow that wasn't all too bad" - Yes some parts were a bit on the cheese side for me but oh well what movie doesn't have a cheesey line in it?

I went to this movie with My mom, sister, sister in law, cousin, oh and my neice (ok so maybe 2 of us hadn't read the books, she's 10, but she wants too now!! Funny girl) And it was a nice evening out. We went to dinner after and it was just so funny to listen to them talk about it and oh he's important in this book

"She is so important for the next book"

"I wish they would have talked about this"

"They should have not foucsed so much on Bella and Edward"

and blah blah blah.

So I give you MY review of the movie from a "NON READER SIDE"

*** I enjoyed the movie. I liked how the actors kept my attention, I like Edward, I like Jacob (truth be told I leaned over to my mom and said, "So that is Jacob? I thought he was white!" Ha ha ha, that's what I get!!) But he was still cute. Edward was cute, I highly wish I could "Hang on like a spider monkey" and fly in the trees too! Wow that would just be fun! I loved the Cullen Family! They just rocked, I love the kitchen sceen! So funny! (Truth be told I also felt akward in that sceen!!) But the Doctor was cute! Loved his wife! And the kids were pretty sweet too! I loved the "black vampire" (sorry, I know I don't know names!!) he was pretty cool! I loved the fight sceen in the ballet studio, just totally different! I liked how you could also feel the sexual tendsion between Bella and Edward. Wow can you say I sometimes felt I soundn't be in the "room" with them!! As you can tell for someone who never read it, it was a pretty dadgum good movie!

So for all of you on "TEAM EDWARD" - Ya more power to ya!!!

And for all of you on "TEAM JACOB" -Ya more power to ya!!! (I hope I see more of him in the next film!!! {Don't worry my mom already told me he has a big part in it!})

So I say go and see it! Don't keep your hopes up if you have them set high if you have read the books, that is never a good thing cause there will be forsure a let down somewhere! They just can't fit a book into a movie, unless it's like a western or something!!

Anyways, my beloved "Twilight fans" I'll say this .... Wow! That is pretty fun!!


The Ingebretsen's... said...

I can't believe you haven't read it! I was skeptical when my sister gave me the book, but I was totally hooked. I am now reading it for the 2nd time after seeing the movie. I loved the movie. I agree, the sexual tension was insane at times. Edward was a total hotty! I'm now forcing my hubby to read it too, so we can go see the movie together!

* said...

Love your review...I didn't love the books because I thought there was way too much romance cheesiness. But I do like Jacob. He should win. Hahha