Thursday, June 5, 2008

Where did Summer Go?

Ok its June 5th and it's FREEZING! It's been rainy and cold and this is weather we get in the spring, not summer!? Ug this is such a cramp in the family! The kids stay inside, and make even bigger messes they want to go outside SO bad but can't. It's a joke! Who prayed for rain? Ug! I want to go swimming and play outside with the girls! Not sit at the window and look out! The girls look like the two kids from "The Cat in the Hat". They have this bench that is under one of our windows and they both stand and look outside! It's so funny! But so hard! This is the hard part about being a Mom, when you want to go outside and so do the kids! Someone really should write a book on "Watch out for this as a Parent!" Oh ya we are also in jeans and hoodies! Whatever! I should be in my swim suit sittin in the kiddie pool with my girls!!! Grrrrr! (As you can tell i'm so upset about this!)
I just want to know
WHERE IS SUMMER???????!!!!!!!!! COME BACK!!!!!!!!


The Ingebretsen's... said...

I LOVE rain, but I must say this overcast, gray sky is getting really old! Especially with two kids. We are going swimming today, but we have to go to an indoor pool, which totally defeats the purpose! (The purpose is for me to get a tan!!!! I think stretch marks and baby fat rolls will look better tan?!) Anyway I agree, it's time for summer!

kim said...

Hey Lindz... I have to say that I totally second this! It is rainy and cold up in Logan, too. I cannot stand it! At least my little garden looks somewhat happy. Isn't it supposed to clear up soon?

Jenn said...

I agree! This lousy cold weather has got to go! Thankfully today it was warmer, but still not THAT warm. My little boy get so confused why one day he's wearing shorts and a t-shirt and the next he's wearing pants and a sweatshirt! He sits and stares out the window too! It's hard.

Adrienne said...

everyone should come to NC it's very hot and the beach is wonderful :) the rain actually sounds kind of nice we're already breaking records for july